Installation Experiment - Gentle

I  want to design a kind of installation to form a certain kind of behaviour. Here comes Gentle, a box which you can only open ( in this case, it is represented by the green LED) on the condition that you speak gently to it or blow a gentle breeze while touching the force sensor gently.

If the sound volume and force level are both within the range I set, then the green light will be on; if only one of those variables falls in the range, then the yellow light will be on;  if none of them matches the condition, then we can only see the red light.


I chose acrylic to be the surface of it. 

Demonstration :

Behind the scenes:

Improvement idea:
Touching the sensor while speaking to it seems to be an awkward behaviour and it doesn't make sense. A better way is to create intimate behaviour (like holding it while whispering to it). This reminds me of a fairy tale called Sleep Beauty.

In addition, we can use 3 LEDs with the same colour to represent the degree how a user is close to open the box successfully, which can be less confusing.


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